Collecting on low balance credit cards is a special niche in the debt buying world. While these accounts are smaller, individual debts usually under $1,000, there’s a lot of them so if you can manage them right using a multi-agency approach. This is where the law of percentages comes into play in the debt buying world.
Pros and Cons
The main advantage of buying newer, fresher credit card debts from banks or lenders is the volume of accounts. High volume allows debt buyers to use the law of percentages where even small recovery rates on many accounts can add up to big numbers. But the main challenge is the lower balance on these accounts which makes collection less profitable on a per account basis. Offering 50% settlements eats into the profit margin on the acquisition cost.
Strategic Deployment to Collection Agencies
Initial Placement and Engagement
For zero agency accounts—accounts that have not been worked by a collection agency—placement fees are 25-30%. The first agency, Agency A, sets the stage for successful collections. This agency has a secure link or FTP portal to access and load the debts into their collection platform. Once the accounts are loaded they send out mandatory 30 day letters to the debtors advising them of the collection activity and comply with all legal requirements. Then they call and text the debtors and ask them to settle.
Technology Boost
After 90 days with Agency A, the accounts are sent to Agency B, an AI driven collection agency. This agency uses AI technology to influence debtor behavior. They have a high tech website that offers flexible payment plans so they can make the process as frictionless as possible for the debtor.
Legal and Long Term
After the AI collection phase, higher balance accounts are evaluated for legal viability. A law firm reviews these accounts to determine which are good for litigation based on the likelihood of recovery through legal action. This step ensures that only debtors that meet certain criteria are pursued in court so resources and legal spend is optimized.
Breathing Room and Specialized Recovery
After all the collection activity, the remaining accounts are put on hold for a short period. This gives the debtors a break from the collection activity and sometimes they will be more willing to cooperate in the future. After the break the accounts are sent to a specialized shop that only works credit card debt for a year. This final agency has deep knowledge of credit card collections and uses custom strategies to get the most out of these types of debts.
Compliance and Ethics
All agencies involved in this multi-tiered collection process are fully licensed and bonded and comply with all applicable laws and regulations including those of the Federal Trade Commission and local authorities. This compliance protects the debtor’s rights and also enhances the credibility and effectiveness of the collection activity.
Collecting on low balance credit cards requires a multi faceted approach that balances aggressive recovery with periods of debtor breathing room and uses technology to make the payment process as frictionless as possible. By moving the debts through various specialized agencies debt buyers can optimize their recovery process and make sure each stage of the collection is handled by experts who are knowledgeable of the low balance credit card debt challenges. This multi agency approach with strict compliance and ethics ensures recovery rates are maximized while maintaining a good debtor relationship and compliance with regulations.
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